Mid-Week Messenger

Nov 7, 2024

Greetings Everyone

There was a book recently published called “The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, And What Will It Take To Bring Them Back”. The book contained largely the findings from a massive research project funded by major institutions. The three researchers were a pastor, a program director for the Tim Keller center for apologetics, and a professor of political science at University of Illinois. Their findings pointed to the greatest religious shift in American history. Specifically, the greatest decline in church involvement and the highest rate of church closure the country has seen in her history. Increasingly, the culture has been shifting away from Christian teachings and principles, and increasing in pluralistic ideals.

This probably is not shocking to most of us, but what should be shocking is the rate by which it is happening. It is quite percipitous. Some people react by trying to fight the culture, some react by trying to hide from the culture, and still others accommodate or succumb to the culture. All these responses ultimately fail the Biblical call to dwell in the culture and seek it’s good (Jer. 29:7) while remaining distinct from it (John 17:14-19).

So what are we to do? How are we to think? What are we to love? The authors offer several important principles to stand on, but I want to offer one pathway for you to think about this week. First, remember that we are exiles from our true home, our true identity and citizenship, which is with our God in his presence.







Second, the church has always been exiles, even in when Israel was at their strongest under King David, the presence of God was hidden from them by the curtain in the Holy of Holies. Third, exile requires discipleship, a learning to follow Jesus in this world, in this culture. I appreciate what Jim Davis writes in the book I mentioned, “Discipleship requires humility as we build the kingdom (of God) by building people.” (p. 223) I love that. God, in his sovereign plan, builds his kingdom in the midst of every culture by including us in his plan. What a blessing! Do you see yourself as part of this plan, to build disciples? I hope you ask yourself that question and then ask yourself how you can start, how you are doing, and who is pouring into your life? 

Pastor Ben Melli

Week At A Glance

Sunday, November 10th 

9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study in the Chapel

10:00 a.m. Worship Service with Pastor Ben Melli

Monday, November 11th 

5:30 p.m. Bell Choir

Tuesday, November 12th   

7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast

Wednesday, November 13th  

10:00 a.m. Ladies AM Bible Study (LAMBS)

2:45 p.m Youth Christmas Choir

7:00 p.m. Choir Practice

Thursday, November 14th 

10:00 a.m. Bible Babes Bible Study

Friday, November 15th 

PW Vintage Sale, see flyer below






Holiday Food Drive

Food Drive Update

Today is Bake Sale Day at Super One! Baking needs like sugar (white and brown), flour, cake mixes, etc. are on sale for holiday goodness. Please grab a few extra of these sale items for our North Valley Food bank holiday collection. Brown sugar is 98cents!  Items can be dropped off in the shopping cart in Fellowship Hall or in the office during the week. We are still collecting canned food items (green beans, sweet potato’s, corn, cranberries) and funds for chickens. Please place your cash or check in an envelope marked Deacon’s Fund and we will put it to good use in helping feed those in need. If you know someone who can use a little help this year please let us know. Thank you for your support. We are making a difference.


If you are not in our church directory and would like to be, or need to update your info, please email the church office. And don’t forget to let us know if you would like to be added to the Mid-Week Newsletter list.


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