Mid-Week Messenger

Jan 4, 2024

Greetings Everyone

Greetings Everyone…

…and Happy New Year. I don’t often simply copy someone else’s statement to send to you. However, this past week I read this post that I thought was a great statement on Church. I have known people in each of these opening statements. I am always in need of being reminded of the truths concerning the Church in the statements of the 2nd part. It is a great reminder of who we are as well as who we are to be. God bless you as you read and reflect upon these words written by a younger Christian.


Church is hard for the person walking through the doors, afraid of judgement.

Church is hard for the pastor’s family, under the microscope of an entire body.

Church is hard for the prodigal soul returning home, broken and battered by the world.

Church is hard for the girl who looks like she has it all together, but doesn’t.

Church is hard for the couple who fought the entire ride to service.

Church is hard for the single mom, surrounded by couples holding hands, and seemingly perfect families.

Church is hard for the widow and widower with no invitation to lunch after service.

Church is hard for the deacon with an estranged child.

Church is hard for the person singing worship songs, overwhelmed by the weight of the lyrics.

Church is hard for the man insecure in his role as a leader.

Church is hard for the wife who longs to be led by a righteous man.

Church is hard for the nursery volunteer who desperately longs for a baby to love.

Church is hard for the single woman and single man, praying God brings them a mate.

Church is hard for the teenage girl, wearing a scarlet letter, ashamed of her mistakes.

Church is hard for the sinners.

Church is hard for me.

It’s hard because on the outside it all looks shiny and perfect, Sunday best in behavior and dress. However, underneath those layers, you find a body of imperfect people, carnal souls, selfish motives.






But, here is the beauty of church—

Church isn’t a building, mentality, or expectation.

Church is a body.

Church is a group of sinners, saved by grace, living in fellowship as saints.

Church is a body of believers bound as brothers and sisters by an eternal love.

Church is a holy ground where sinners stand as equals before the Throne of Grace.

Church is a refuge for broken hearts and a training ground for mighty warriors.

Church is a converging of confrontation and invitation. Where sin is confronted and hearts are invited to seek restoration.

Church is a lesson in faith and trust.

Church is a bearer of burdens and a giver of hope.

Church is a family. A family coming together, setting aside differences, forgetting past mistakes, rejoicing in the smallest of victories.

Church, the body, and the circle of sinners-turned-saints, is where He resides, and if we ask, He is faithful to come.

So even on the hard days at church—

The days when I am at odds with a friend, when I’ve fought with my husband because we’re late once again, when I’ve walked in bearing burdens heavier than my heart can handle, yet masking the pain with a smile on my face, when I’ve worn a scarlet letter, under the microscope, when I’ve longed for a baby to hold, or fought tears as the lyrics were sung, when I’ve walked back in, afraid and broken, after walking away….

I’ll remember, He has never failed to meet me there.

News & Events


Sunday, January 7th

9:00 a.m. Bible Study in the Chapel

10:00 a.m. Worship Service with Pastor Paul Hayden

 11:30 New Member Class

Monday, January 8th

5:30 p.m. Handbell Choir

 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice

Tuesday, January 9th

7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study

Wednesday, January 10th

10 a.m. Ladies AM Bible Study (LAMBS)

Thursday, January 11th 

10 a.m. Bible Babes bible study

Sunday, January 28th

Annual Meeting of the Congregation 



Check out the Events Calendar for more upcoming events.


It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of long-time church member Jacqy Little.  Jacqy passed away peacefully, with family by her side, December 19th.  A memorial service will be held Thursday, January 11th at 3:00 pm. Reception to follow in Fellowship Hall.

Take Notice

New Members Class will take place following worship on the 7th from 11:30 to 1:00 PM. We will cover some of the basics of the history of the Presbyterian Church, what Presbyterians believe, how they organize, and the specifics of our particular congregation. If you plan to attend, please let the office know so we can prepare materials for you.

Adult Bible Study at 9 AM. We will begin an in-depth study of the Book of Romans. Romans is the most complete statement on the core beliefs of Christian faith. Written to the heart of the Roman Empire, the Apostle Paul took great lengths to address the specifics of what we believe and why. Please put this important study on your calendar.

Volunteers Needed! We are still in need of volunteers to be Nursery Attendants and classroom assistants for Jim Ramlow’s 9am Sunday school class.  If interested please see Nichole in the church office.


If you are not in our church directory and would like to be, or need to update your info, please email the church office. And don’t forget to let us know if you would like to be added to the Mid-Week Newsletter list.


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