Mid-Week Messenger

Feb 22, 2024

Greetings Everyone

Greetings Everyone.

I can remember the “pastoral visit” to this day. I was a young pastor. I had made an appointment to visit one of the oldest members of the church I was serving. I understood a bit of what I would be walking in to. The husband had terminal cancer. They didn’t know how much longer he had for this world. “Please go visit them. They need a pastoral visit and a time of prayer!” had been the instructions. And so I did.

When I arrived at their kitchen door (the door through which every friend came), I was greeted warmly. I was invited to sit at the dining room table and asked if I would like a cup of tea which I gladly accepted. Then something very interesting occurred. The wife turned to her husband and said, “And what would you like, Father.” He responded by saying, “Could you get me a cup of tea as well, Mother?”

This response surprised me for a moment (I still remember it years later). Here they were in their mid to late 80’s, I knew their youngest son who was in his 60’s, and still they were calling each other by their parental titles. Then I thought to myself, who am I to criticize or judge? Obviously, their parental roles were very important to them. After all it had worked for them for 61 years of marriage.

As I have reflected on that visit over the years since it took place, I now focus on the importance of a name. Accepted names shape my identity. The name not only shapes my role but can also help define my purpose and meaning in life. Nicknames can be terms of endearment or a reminder of a shared experience. Special names can be a code word recognized by those with whom we share special memories.

There are several examples of special names being given in the scriptures. The story of God giving Abram a new name in Genesis 17 is especially meaning full. The name Abram means “exalted father.” But God had just promised Abram that his offspring would number more than the sands of the sea. So, fitting with God’s promise, God changed his name to Abraham which means “Father of multitudes or father of many nations.” The new name declared the promise of God.

When God gives us a new name, we have a decision to make. Abraham’s inner dialogue might have gone something like this: “How will I introduce myself to a new person? If I say I am Abraham the other person might ask me if they can meet my children. If I say I am Abram, I am denying the promise of God. What am I going to do?”







 For us, we who have been called “Children of God” (permission to call God ‘Abba…Father’ Romans 8:15) or “the Temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 3:16) we might say, “But I don’t feel like his child” or “The Holy Spirit dwelling in this personality? You’ve got to be kidding!” Yet, that is what scripture says is true about me and you. We have been given a new name, a new title, a new description and we must choose which name we will claim. In which (whose) description of you do you respond?

By the way, 12 days after my visit “father” passed away. At his Celebration of Life worship service I was able to affirm several names…husband, father, faithful church member and most importantly, child of God.

Walking the road with you.

Pastor Paul

News & Events


Saturday, February 24th 

Glacier Presbytery will meet by ZOOM from 9 AM until 12:30 AM.  If you have ever wondered what a Presbytery Meeting is like Donna Maddux will be hosting a ZOOM party in the Fellowship Hall.  Please let Donna and/or the Church office know if you would like to attend.

Sunday, February 25th 

9:00 a.m. Bible Study in the Chapel

10:00 a.m. Worship Service with Pastor Paul Hayden

Monday, February 26th

5:30 p.m. Handbell Choir

7:00 p.m. Choir Practice

Tuesday, February 27th 

7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study

Wednesday, February 28th 

10 a.m. Ladies AM Bible Study (LAMBS)

Thursday, February 29th 

10 a.m. Bible Babes bible study





Check out the Events Calendar for more upcoming events.


Easter Lily order forms will be in this Sunday’s bulletin. Forms must be returned to the church office by Palm Sunday. Cost is $15 for each potted flower ordered; please make checks payable to FPC with “Easter Lily” in the memo.

Volunteers needed to help pick up and place lilies in Sanctuary Easter weekend.  Please contact Nichole in the church office if you’re willing to help.

Chili Luncheon

Our 1st Fellowship function of the year will be a Chili Luncheon set for Sunday, March 17th, 2024 immediately following the 10:00am church service. Your Fellowship Committee will be providing Chili with all the condiments and we are asking the congregation to signup for a side dish (i.e.; green salad or cornbread), and/or a dessert. The signup sheet will be posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.

Attention Ladies!

Ladies Ensemble will be rehearsing every Sunday following worship service until March 27th. See Alma Ramlow for more info


If you are not in our church directory and would like to be, or need to update your info, please email the church office. And don’t forget to let us know if you would like to be added to the Mid-Week Newsletter list.


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Whitefish, MT 59937