Mid-Week Messenger

May 2, 2024

Greetings Everyone

Greetings Everyone.

A while back, Terri and I spent some time talking about our interim work here in Whitefish. We have had a wonderful time and we have met some wonderful people. We have had less opportunity to get to know the greater Whitefish Community because of our separation of space between our home in Bigfork and Whitefish. We have felt that this shared time has been wonderful in the life of this congregation as well. Together we can and should celebrate these past 2 years.

Part of our discussion has focused on my commitment to being here until the church has a new pastor. As I mentioned last week, on two occasions we felt that a new pastor had been selected and, as a result, we began thinking through an exit strategy and a timeline. Even though both of those potential calls did not materialize our minds were working and the internal clock was ticking.

As the Pastor Nominating Committee finalized its work with Pastor Raully, Terri and I agreed that the job of an Interim Pastor had been completed. We had brought the congregation to the point of calling a new pastor. As a result, even before the congregational meeting on April 21, I had written a letter of resignation to present to the Elders formalizing the completion of my service. The final date of my service will be following The Session meeting on May 15, the day that Raully begins ministry.

That being said, my mind now has begun to focus on transitions and how we can help Raully, Kari, Sophie and the rest of the Donahue family be welcomed into FPC Whitefish and to become established in Whitefish community.








pink cosmos

In an article from The Lewis Center for Church Leadership, Robert Crossman writes of “50 Ways to Welcome Your New Pastor.” Although written for a church in general, the first four are actions that individuals can do that will certainly help the process.

1. Open your hearts and decide that you are going to love your new pastor.

2. Begin praying daily for the new pastor and family, even as you continue to pray for your departing pastor and family.

3. Invite church members individually to send cards of welcome and encouragement to the incoming pastor.

4. Know that welcoming your new pastor in genuine and effective ways lays the groundwork for a healthy and vital relationship and the development of stable, long-term ministries together.

I find these to be very helpful suggestions. God has called Raully to ministry here at the church and the community. Because God has called him, God will use him to touch lives and reach the community with the Good News of the Gospel. It is the congregation’s responsibility to continue being a Christ-centered community in and through whom the Spirit of God can work and I know the Spirit of God will continue to work in and through this church. Hallelujah!

Walking the road with you.

Pastor Paul

News & Events



Sunday, May 5th 

9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study in the Chapel

10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service with Pastor Paul Hayden

Monday, May 6th 

7:00 p.m. Choir Practice

Tuesday, May 7th  

7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast

Wednesday, May 8th  

100:00 a.m. Ladies AM Bible Study (L.A.M.B.S)

6:00 p.m. FPC Youth Group Meet Up

Thursday, May 9th   

10:00 a.m. Bible Babes bible study




Check out the Events Calendar for more upcoming events.


Church Information Class

Sunday, May 5 following church (11:30 to 1), there will be a Church Information Class. This class will provide some background on the origins of the Presbyterian Church, a review of its central beliefs, a look at how a Presbyterian Church organizes to do the work of the Lord and a look at our local congregation, its vision and mission. This class, although focusing on information, is also a great step toward membership in this church, making this “officially” your church home.

Please let the church office know by Friday, May 3, if you are planning on attending so the proper amount of materials can be prepared. Also, if you need assistance with child care, please let the office know as well.

Community Outreach

Whitefish Care & Rehab is looking for donations of personal care items. When a new resident comes into the facility they are provided with standard items. It will be a beautiful collaboration if residents also see a basket filled with items donated by the community that demonstrates they are thought of and cared for.  

We are looking for the following travel sized items and hope to make 10 baskets in total.


Items to donate 

-Small wooden basket

-Shampoo -Dove

– Conditioner- Dove

-Lotion- Dove

-Deodorant- Dove

-Lip balm

-Toothbrush & Toothpaste

-Activity books like sudoku and crosswords

-Snacks- Protein bars, soft cereal bars, mixed nuts (salt free),

-Water bottle

-Juice box

You may drop off donated items in the church office or look for the Whitefish Care & Rehab box in Fellowship Hall.


Your Fellowship Team will be celebrating the inauguration of our new Weber gas grill on Sunday, May 19th following our church service. We will be grilling cheeseburgers and hotdogs on our new deck built by our own Drew Rhymes. A signup sheet will be posted in the Fellowship Hall, so please bring a side dish to compliment the entree.

Thank You,

Fellowship Committee

Mission Update
Bob Marshall Trail Crew:
Jim Ramlow is heading up a work crew in the Bob Marshall Wilderness on August 27-30 at Bighead Creek. The trailhead is near Augusta (on the east side of the Wilderness) and the basecamp is three miles in. The work is mostly removing downed trees from the first four miles of trail above the basecamp. A lot of sawing would be involved for those who want to build up their upper bodies!  The trail crew would need to be ready to hike at 8:00 am on August 27.   We are limited to 10 people and there is room for only a couple more people to join.
Flower Sales:
We are officially taking Preorders for Flower Sale!  Go to our Sales Page Here!
Flowers will be delivered on May 17/18 just in time for frost free planting!
All profits go to our Youth Mission/Scholarships.
Help with Flower Sales
We have sign up sheets on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall to help with ALL aspects of the Flower Sale.  From fluffing flowers to unloading the trucks.  From Taking the Money to Counting Flats and marking the invoice!  We could use the entire Mission Team (That’s YOU, our congregation!) to help over the two days, Friday May 17 and Saturday May 18.
We have just two gatherings left this school year!  Parents of 4th grade and up, Mark Your Calendars!! May 8th & 22nd.  These are date changes from our usual first and third Wednesday.  We will wrap up our focus on prayer and the attitudes toward prayer.  We’ll start at 6pm with a delicious meal that is provided by a very loving group of people.  And transition into a crazy game or two.  So much love and sooooo much laughter!


If you are not in our church directory and would like to be, or need to update your info, please email the church office. And don’t forget to let us know if you would like to be added to the Mid-Week Newsletter list.


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301 Central Ave,
Whitefish, MT 59937