Mid-Week Messenger

Jun 7, 2024

Greetings Everyone

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I really enjoyed preaching on food last Sunday. It really is my conviction that worship and meals go together – not just the sacramental meal of Communion, but the meals of everyday life. 

Churches that share tables with one another are churches that share life together. It has been obvious to me since my first exposure to FPC that this is a church that deeply loves one another. And that deeply loves a good spread. From its roots in the community meals served in the basement sixty years ago to the fried chicken potluck coming up this Sunday, our church has its roots in the value of food and fellowship. I do not think this is an accident. The way in which we love and delight in one another is one of the biggest testaments to our faith in Jesus Christ.

Its also true that churches that take special effort to share tables with the unchurched are churches that are growing. In the Gospels, Jesus combined the spread of the Gospel with the willingness to eat with someone new. If FPC wants to reach this valley for Christ, we could start by making a determination to eat with someone new two to three times a month. One simple act of hospitality can change lives. 

This is especially true in our culture. As I mentioned on Sunday, the twenty-first century has been unkind to communal eating. Less than half of Americans eat a home-cooked meal every day. Thirty percent of Americans live in single-person households. Family mealtime is becoming a rarity, one of the many casualties to the demanding sports and school schedules for today’s high-achieving students. Besides many households now need two or three jobs – plus a side hustle – just to pay the bills. We are becoming a culture that eats alone. And often in a hurry.

Taking the time to eat together with one another, and to invite others into that mealtime, is a counter-cultural act. It can become the center of your Sabbath, the catalyst to deeper conversations and the building block for new friendships.










pink cosmos

In his wonderful book The Theology of Food, Angel Méndez-Montoya opens his book with a long description about the belabored process that goes into making Mexican molli. In his family, the traditional process can take days to prepare: the grinding of chilis, the blending of spices, the addition of just the right chocolate. It’s the centerpiece of his family holidays and celebrations and the long preparation is what heightens the delight when it comes to serve the feast. I’m sure that all of us can relate to the joy of preparing a good meal for Thanksgiving or Christmas for our loved ones and friends. (Even as I just finished this sentence, Ross popped his head into my office with his usual food-prepping grin as he prepares the potatoes and gravy upstairs for this Sunday.)

In the same way, Méndez-Montoya observes, the Lord Himself is preparing a feast for us in the resurrected age to come. And no doubt the joy that we feel in preparing our family recipes for the holidays corresponds in some small measure to the joy that He feels in preparing to welcome us.


May it always be so,

Pastor Raully


News & Events



Sunday, June 9th

9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study in the Chapel

10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service

11:30 a.m. Fellowship Luncheon – Info Below

Monday, June 10th

7:00 p.m. Choir Practice

Tuesday, June 11th

7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast

Sunday, June 16th

10:00 am Worship Service




Check out the Events Calendar for more upcoming events.


Presbyterian Women recently purchased the items on the “Wish list” for the Glacier Camp on Flathead lake . The items included : Inflatable paddle boards, Electric Weed Whackers,  Cabellas/Snappys gift cards for Waterfront/Archery/Campout Supplies, Hobby Lobby gift card, and Bibles for Campers, a case of 50 paperback . The camp is still in need of an AED (defibrillator) and if anyone can provide information about obtaining one please contact the camp. Thanks. 

We are grateful to Merri Williamson for purchasing these items and for the generosity of donors and the church family for insuring the campers and the staff will enjoy a Spirit filled season. God bless everyone and May everyone experience the love of Christ at Glacier Camp. 


The Fellowship Committee will be hosting a Spring “POT luck” luncheon on Sunday, June 9th shortly following our church service. The committee will be furnishing fried chicken, mashed potatoes/gravy, and Hawaiian rolls. Please bring your favorite side dish and/or dessert to share with the congregation. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.

Thank You and come hungry!

The Fellowship Committee


Glacier Camp Clean Up!

Join us at Glacier Camp on beautiful Flathead Lake for the annual clean up.

Saturday, June 15th

Please see Susan Tate or call the office for more info.


Community Outreach

Whitefish Care & Rehab is looking for donations of personal care items. When a new resident comes into the facility they are provided with standard items. It will be a beautiful collaboration if residents also see a basket filled with items donated by the community that demonstrates they are thought of and cared for.  

We are looking for the following travel sized items and hope to make 10 baskets in total.


Items to donate 

-Small wooden basket

-Shampoo -Dove

– Conditioner- Dove

-Lotion- Dove

-Deodorant- Dove

-Lip balm

-Toothbrush & Toothpaste

-Activity books like sudoku and crosswords

-Snacks- Protein bars, soft cereal bars, mixed nuts (salt free),

-Water bottle

-Juice box

You may drop off donated items in the church office or look for the Whitefish Care & Rehab box in Fellowship Hall.



If you are not in our church directory and would like to be, or need to update your info, please email the church office. And don’t forget to let us know if you would like to be added to the Mid-Week Newsletter list.


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301 Central Ave,
Whitefish, MT 59937