Mid-Week Messenger

Jun 20, 2024

Greetings Everyone

Grace and peace to you all this week:

Have you ever found yourself binging a television show or watching a long movie that you never intended to watch in the first place? It begins innocently enough. You are just flipping channels and you stop because something catches your attention. Maybe its that actor who you can’t remember the name, or maybe its a compelling action scene. Maybe its just some cheesy lines that you can’t believe anyone would ever say in real life. Next thing you know, you’ve watched three or four scenes and then, without any time passing at all, you realize you’ve been sitting on the couch for three hours.

I feel like a similar dynamic is happening in the first couple of verses of Psalm 1. It pictures someone who has found themself in the wrong place. First they walk alongside the wicked. They are following the wrong people, but at least they are still moving.  But then they stand in the path of sinners. They’ve gotten a little comfortable and they have stopped moving. Finally they sit in the company of cynics. They’ve comfortable and planted now in the wrong place.

Sin is like that. It might not seem like it at first, but there’s always a catch. What might not seem like a trap often turns out to pin us down. The Book of Proverbs often describes greed and wickedness as traps that we set for ourselves. Not even animals act this foolishly. “If a bird sees a trap being set, it knows to stay away. But the wicked set an ambush for themselves, as if trying to get themselves killed. Such is the fate of all who are greedy for stolen wealth; it robs them of life.” We set the trap and then we fall into our own snares, unable to free ourselves without the grace and wisdom of God.

In Psalm 1, the antidote to getting stuck is to delight in the law of the LORD. Regular meditation on the Word of God keeps us moving on the right path. 









pink cosmos

As I mentioned on Sunday, one of the things that I would like us to do as a congregation is prioritize Scripture. We do so through regular study together, through sermons centered on the Bible, and through worship that meditates on Scripture. For the next few weeks, we will open our services with the first psalm and we will learn it together.

May the Lord continue to bless you this week,

Pastor Raully

P.S. A quick reminder that we are changing the way that we distribute this weekly newsletter. It will remain available on our website, but by the end of June we will no longer be using email. We have had to make this adjustment because our current email service is changing its terms of service. 

From now on we will be sending the newsletter via text. Each Thursday a link will arrive on your phone. The same will be true for our prayer chain.

We need your help to make this shift. Please take a few seconds and text FPC (just those three letters and nothing else) to 406.400.9338. You should receive a response right away that will contain a blue link. If you tap that, you can confirm your name and contact information.

Thank you to the seventy-plus people who have already made the change. I can assure you that these phone numbers will not leave the church office and will not be shared with anyone. If you have any additional questions, please contact myself or the church office.



News & Events



Sunday, June 23rd

9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study in the Chapel, Romans 14

10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service

Monday, June 24th

7:00 p.m. Choir Practice

Tuesday, June 26th

7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast

Sunday, June 30th

10:00 am Worship Service




Check out the Events Calendar for more upcoming events.


Sunday School Update!

Our program has changed for the summer.

4th – 8th grade students: There is still a 9 a.m. Sunday morning class with Jim Ramlow.  They are about finished with building their Dawn Treader ship. Stay tuned for exciting info on what comes next!

Pre-K and Kindergartners will still be dismissed to a classroom after Children’s Time, during the Sunday Worship Service.  There they will do a fun activity, then enjoy the playroom.

All other school aged kids please remain in the sanctuary to enjoy, and be part of, the rest of the service.

Please note that the nursery room will be open for use, but  unattended. Parents are welcome to use the nursery. There is t.v. in the nursery and streaming the service is available.


Presbyterian Women would like to thank you for your support. A donnor came forward and a defibrillator was purchased for the camp.  Flathead camp is in full swing with campers, staff and of course Pastor Tim.


Community Outreach

Whitefish Care & Rehab is looking for donations of personal care items. When a new resident comes into the facility they are provided with standard items. It will be a beautiful collaboration if residents also see a basket filled with items donated by the community that demonstrates they are thought of and cared for.  

We are looking for the following travel sized items and hope to make 10 baskets in total.


Items to donate 

-Small wooden basket

-Shampoo -Dove

– Conditioner- Dove

-Lotion- Dove

-Deodorant- Dove

-Lip balm

-Toothbrush & Toothpaste

-Activity books like sudoku and crosswords

-Snacks- Protein bars, soft cereal bars, mixed nuts (salt free),

-Water bottle

-Juice box

You may drop off donated items in the church office or look for the Whitefish Care & Rehab box in Fellowship Hall.



If you are not in our church directory and would like to be, or need to update your info, please email the church office. And don’t forget to let us know if you would like to be added to the Mid-Week Newsletter list.


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301 Central Ave,
Whitefish, MT 59937