Mid-Week Messenger

Oct 10, 2024

Greetings Everyone


This week we will look at the second act in the life of Ruth and Naomi. As the story goes, reality begins to set in as Ruth and Naomi have to find a way to live in the community to which they recently returned. Ruth leans on the Law of Moses and goes to glean grain in the fields which were to be allowed for the poor to use as their food. In this small way God was providing for Ruth and Naomi. However; Ruth was blessed much more than she ever could have imagined, because she meets the owner of the field. This character is named Boaz and serves in a profound way, but even Boaz is not the hero. You see, the author points out several times that Ruth “happens” to be doing this or that, the same with Boaz. Yet, with God there is never just “happenings”. He is sovereign over every detail in our lives.

There are two ways to understand that; one is that God is sovereign over our blessings. We might rejoice and be thankful over God’s provision in our lives. On the other hand, you might be going through a time of suffering, or an immense trial. In those times we might be tempted to throw our hands in the air and feel like Naomi, “God is against me!” (Ruth 1:21) You see God’s sovereignty is a double edge sword. I have heard people say, “If God is so powerful, why does evil happen? Couldn’t he stop it? Shouldn’t he!! Why would I worship or trust a God who does not abolish evil?” That’s a question worth engaging, and one that has to be gently dealt with. The reality is that God does not always provide us with an answer, which doesn’t mean He doesn’t care or love us. Instead, he provided us with a person, a person who experienced all the evil and suffering of this world. This person serves as our blessing and teaches us that even when all we see is difficulty, there is a redemptive story unfolding in us and through us. Just as Ruth and Boaz serve to provide for Naomi, so Jesus the Messiah provides his presence to us through His suffering and resurrection and promise to never leave us.










God does not leave us alone, He has come to us in His Son. He draws us near by His Spirit. He comforts us with His provision. My parents told me a story that helps me remember this. In the 90’s, when the communist easter block countries were reestablishing themselves, my parents led about 1,000 American military youth on service projects. They initially went to countries like Hungry and Romania. During the start of Baltic wars in the late 90’s they had to divert the projects to what is now the Czech Republic in about 2 weeks. Logistically this was a mess with huge challenges. They found an area that we could serve and some ministries which we could partner with in a few small towns. After the service projects were established, there were a few older women in the village that approached them and said that they had been praying for decades for teenagers to come and minister to their small part of the world. What looked like a potential disaster of planned ministry was actually God working beyond what my parents could see. God is never out of control, and He always provides what He wills. You can rest in this.

Ben Melli

P.S. If you would like to hear previous sermons or podcasts from Rev. Ben Melli please check out “406 Theology” on all major podcast platforms or use this link  406 Theology (libsyn.com)

Week At A Glance

Sunday, October 13th

9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study with Lynn Cale

10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service with Pastor Benn Melli

11:15 a.m. Spaghetti Dinner in Fellowship Hall following worship service

Monday, October 14th 

5:30 p.m. Bell Choir

Tuesday, October 15th   

7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study and breakfast

Wednesday, October 16th

10:00 a.m. Ladies AM Bible Study (LAMBS)

7:00 p.m. Choir Practice

Thursday, October 17th

10:00 a.m. Bible Babes Bible Study


Keep scrolling down! We have a funfilled month ahead of us with lots of opportunities to serve and connect.


Basement Room for Youth & AA:
Here’s a little update on the co-sharing of the basement space with AA and our Youth Ministry.  The history of co-sharing began over 20 years ago when the basement was completely dedicated to Youth Ministry.  AA was in need of a new location and our congregation welcomed them with open arms to use the basement when the Youth Ministry wasn’t using it.  A match made in heaven!
Now, we are planning to share again!  This time, AA is doing a little clean up from having almost 15 years in the basement alone. We’ll begin to have a more youthful look in the main room while maintaining a sharing of space.
We thank everyone for the prayers for all ministries of this church!
We are so grateful for Jean Peterson and Willo Harris for taking care of our flower arrangements over the past few years.  They have faithfully provided the beauty of arrangements throughout the entire building!
Willo and Jean will provide the beautiful arrangements through December and then officially retire!
We are selling the arrangements of flowers that will no longer be used. Beautiful arrangements, artificial florals and vases are displayed in Fellowship Hall. Come shop Tuesday-Friday 11:30 -1 or Sunday following service. Sales are donation based and all proceeds for the flower sale will go to the Youth Ministry fund. (See Flyer Below)
With the flower storage room being cleaned out, we will begin providing space to the Young Life staff for an office.  God’s Hand in Ministry.


If you are not in our church directory and would like to be, or need to update your info, please email the church office. And don’t forget to let us know if you would like to be added to the Mid-Week Newsletter list.


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301 Central Ave,
Whitefish, MT 59937