Mid-Week Messenger

Jun 21, 2023

Greetings Everyone

Greetings Everyone.

This summer our theme in worship is “Spiritual Truths in the Code of the West.” One of the spiritual dynamics of our nation’s western expansion were the gospel ministers who followed the movement and went to save souls. It was a tough lot of folks to reach. They were hardened by the rugged trail and the tough work of forging a home out of wild country. As a result, tough preaching was often seen as a way to reach the lost.

In Ross Phares book, Bible in Pocket Gun in Hand, he shares some insights into the method some evangelists used to bring the cowboys and settlers to faith in Jesus.

Many people who came into the fold under the shouting, hellfire preaching of the camp meeting evangelists found themselves more confused than consoled or informed once they left the thundering fright of the revival. With evangelical strategy designed to literally scare the devil out of the sinner, and with theology and doctrine neglected to a minimum, many converts were not sure just what the will of God was, as applied to their daily living. They found that they could not, day by day, live up to the high emotional pitch that had originally led them down the aisle to the altar. They had stood up for Jesus while the shouting and singing rang loudly and hell seemed close enough to scorch their eyebrows, but once back to the humdrum, exasperating tasks of their cabins and fields, they often found themselves on wobbly spiritual feet. Page 93

It was a Sunday night in July in probably 1961 or 62. The pastor under whom I grew up was not like the preachers on the frontier, but, on this one Sunday evening (yes, we went to church Sunday morning and evening) he preached on hell. He got my attention. That night I lent my bed to my future brother-in-law, and I slept on the couch in the living room. After everyone went to bed I remember getting down on my knees and asking Jesus to save me. I did not want to go to hell. I now know I was purchasing a valuable “Fire Insurance” policy. Some of you might have had similar experiences.

It took me years to discover that there were other insurance policies that I needed to purchase for my spiritual life. I certainly needed “Term Insurance.” Worship and Bible studies fit into that category. They meet my immediate needs and keep me focused. If anything might happen to me I know the Lord is with me and am assured of my eternal destination (John 3:16). It is this term insurance that gives me that assurance of being eternally secure.


It took me years to discover that there were other insurance policies that I needed to purchase for my spiritual life. I certainly needed “Term Insurance.” Worship and Bible studies fit into that category. They meet my immediate needs and keep me focused. If anything might happen to me I know the Lord is with me and am assured of my eternal destination (John 3:16). It is this term insurance that gives me that assurance of being eternally secure.

I also have found that I need “Whole Life Insurance.” This insurance guarantees the payout at the end (eternity) but grows through the life of the policy giving additional benefits. To me, this is what those early pioneers needed to understand. It was what could sustain during the ‘humdrum’ of everyday life. It is the building of spiritual life today toward the life I will inherit in eternity. Brother Lawrence in his book, The Practice of the Presence of God, said it this way:

“The time of business does not differ with me from the time of prayer; and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were on my knees.”

That is the goal. God in the humdrum. Knowing God in whom “…we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). It is the goal to know the God who promised “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5) as we live in every detail and event of life. It is living in relationship with God who not only wants to scare the devil out of you, but also (and even more I might add) wants you to know the love of God who gives us permission to call him “Abba” (Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6).

May your spiritual Insurance give you the Assurance of God’s presence each and every day.

Happy Trails,

Pastor Paul


Church Community Garden!

Jesse Fraser and Karen Rosenburg have come up with a new, exciting idea for the corner flower bed. We’re calling it, A Church Community Garden. In other words, everyone please bring something to share and Jesse will plant it for you. We are looking for perennials or annuals, as long as they do not require full shade. They do not have to be a flower either.  They can be herbs, ground cover, a strawberry plant, etc. Use your imagination! 🌸🌼🌺 If you have questions contact Jesse Fraser or me, Karen Rosenberg (406-250-0232). Before you bring it, pray over your plant that it will be protected from the deer!

Thank You,
Jesse & Karen

News & Events

Monday, June 26th
7 p.m. Choir Practice
Tuesday, June 27th:
7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast

Wednesday, June 28th: 

10:00 a.m. “Because You Asked…” Bible Study. Have Questions?

Bring them to Wednesday’s Bible Study to discuss with Pastor Paul. 

Your questions determine the topic 

Check out the Events Calendar for more upcoming events.


Church Community Garden!

Jesse Fraser and Karen Rosenburg have come up with a new, exciting idea for the corner flower bed. We’re calling it, A Church Community Garden. In other words, everyone please bring something to share and Jesse will plant it for you. We are looking for perennials or annuals, as long as they do not require full shade. They do not have to be a flower either.  They can be herbs, ground cover, a strawberry plant, etc. Use your imagination! 🌸🌼🌺 If you have questions contact Jesse Fraser or me, Karen Rosenberg (406-250-0232). Before you bring it, pray over your plant that it will be protected from the deer!

Thank You,
Jesse & Karen

And The Winner Is....

Chase Grant!

Chase, please see Lisa Nelson this Sunday, after service, for your gift card to J-Boys!

During worship service, every Sunday, kids can get an assignment sheet from Pastor Paul after Children’s Time OR in the back on the activity table.  Once they finish with their assignment (based on the sermon) place it in the envelope on the activity table. We will do a drawing during Fellowship and notify the winner.

This activity is open to all kids ages K-8th grade.

Youth Outing!

Thursday July 20th

Columbia Falls Waterpark.  Paul had so much fun last summer that he wants to go back!  We are planning to go Thursday, July 20th.  The park opens at 11:00.  We’ll meet at the park around 10:45 a.m. Please pack a picnic lunch.  We will provide drinks and fruit for everyone.  If you don’t want to attend and your child needs a ride, please let Lisa Nelson know and we can arrange carpooling

Church Information Class

Church Information Class

Sunday, June 25 following church (11:30 to 1), there will be a Church Information Class. This class will provide some background on the origins of the Presbyterian Church, a review of its central beliefs, a look at how a Presbyterian Church organizes to do the work of the Lord and a look at our local congregation, its vision and mission. This class, although focusing on information, is also a great step toward membership in this church, making this “officially” your church home.

Please let the church office know by Friday, June 23, if you are planning on attending so the proper amount of materials can be prepared. Also, if you need assistance with child care, please let the office know as well

Food Bank Cereal Drive

We will be holding a cereal box drive for the North Valley Food bank this summer. Please bring a box of cereal to Sunday worship services or drop your donated cereal off in the church office Tues-Fri, 9-1 p.m.

Thank you for your donations!


If you are not in our church directory and would like to be, or need to update your info, please email the church office. And don’t forget to let us know if you would like to be added to the Mid-Week Newsletter list.


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301 Central Ave,
Whitefish, MT 59937