Mid-Week Messenger

Jul 20, 2023

Greetings Everyone

This week our focus from the Code of the West is “Being Tough but Fair.”

James Owen in his book, Cowboy Ethics: What Wall Street Can Learn from the Code of the West, wrote:

“On the open range, cowboys shared a way of life that was as difficult and tenuous as it was rewarding. So they had a natural self-interest to honor the Code’s insistence on fair play. For them, the Golden Rule was not something learned in Sunday School. The principle of ‘do unto others what you would have them do unto you’ was nothing more and nothing less than a key to survival.” Page 45

What stands out for you in this quote? For me, it is the statement about Sunday School.

As a society we are rapidly moving away from the truths of scripture. When I began pastoral work over 45 years ago, the biblical knowledge of the average American was around third grade level. Today, if we are lucky, it is at late pre-school age level. For many who read this quote they would not know what is meant by “The Golden Rule” nor by “Sunday School.” It is tragic for the direction of this nation whose law and order, whose principles of governance, whose need to learn how to care for one another has lost the grounding of the biblical texts that existed in our founding days.

I believe there are many reasons for this. These reasons may be tough to hear, but, hear them we must. One reason is that there has been an undermining of scripture. Many of our young people who have gone to college have faced this undermining of scriptural authority. Professors with a beef against God and the church (by the way some of those grievances are legitimate) have attempted to shape the students they teach with their religious bias. In many cases it has worked.

Another reason is the portrayal of scripture and those who believe it within media. If you have watched much TV or seen many movies, the religious take away is not favorable to Christian tradition, values and practice. Seeing that many people in America watch 20 plus hours of media a week, it is no wonder the influence of the secular world outweighs that of our faith.



I know there are more reasons, but, let these suffice to make my  point. These are tough truths.

But, let’s be fair as well. There is a tougher truth with which we, and only we must deal. Here it is:

Learning the truths of scripture is sometimes where things stop.

We must not only learn, we must also live the truths of scripture.

One of the criticisms of the church is that we speak about loving our neighbor but spend more time judging them. We spend more time telling them what they ought to do before we compassionately listen to why they are who they are. We say we follow Jesus, but all too often we do not reflect the life and love of our Savior and Lord.

14 And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we      have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth… 17 The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ…

Jesus lived grace and truth. Jesus gave us grace and truth. Jesus was both tough and fair. May we follow in Jesus’ footsteps in a world that needs what Jesus brought.

Happy Trails to you.

Pastor Paul

News & Events

Monday, July 24th
No Choir Practice

Tuesday, July 25th:

7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast

   Wednesday, July 26th:

10:00 a.m. “Because You Asked…” Bible Study. Have Questions?

Bring them to Wednesday’s Bible Study to discuss with Pastor Paul.

Your questions determine the topic 

    Friday, July 28th: 

7:00 p.m. Jessica Chen Memorial Concert   

Check out the Events Calendar for more upcoming events.


“Because You Asked…”

Ever want to have a Bible study on a particular topic?  Want to hear what God’s Word says about a particular issue? Here is your chance. Over this summer, Pastor Paul will be leading a Bible Study, Wednesdays at 10 AM, in the Chapel to address your topics. Why? “Because you asked!”


“Because You Asked…”

Ever want to have a Bible study on a particular topic?  Want to hear what God’s Word says about a particular issue? Here is your chance. Over this summer, Pastor Paul will be leading a Bible Study, Wednesdays at 10 AM, in the Chapel to address your topics. Why? “Because you asked!”


Jessica Chen Memorial Concert

My friend, Jessica (Lih-Heng) Chen played her very inspiring Cello music at our church worship services two Sundays in 2020 and three Sundays in 2021.  She was going to play for a service in March of 2022 but was not feeling well. She was fighting cancer and passes away April 30th of this year.

Her husband, Leo, good friend, Wai Mizutani and I are holding a memorial concert for Jessica. The concert will be held in the sanctuary Friday, July 28th at 7:00 p.m. We will be taking a free- will offering to help cover the expenses for a memorial concert for Jessica in New York City, where Jessica and Leo attended Manhattan School of Music.



Join us for an evening of beautiful music July 28th as we pay tribute to Jessica.



Alma Ramlow                                                                                                                                                                                                          FPC Music Director

Food Bank Cereal Drive

We will be holding a cereal box drive for the North Valley Food bank this summer. Please bring a box of cereal to Sunday worship services or drop your donated cereal off in the church office Tues-Fri, 9-1 p.m.

Thank you for your donations!

Nursery Attendants Needed

We are looking for a handful of volunteers willing to be on call as a Nursery Attendant for Sunday Worship services. Please contact Nichole or Lisa, in the church office, if you would like to be put on the list.

Youth Outing!

Thursday July 20th

Columbia Falls Waterpark.  Paul had so much fun last summer that he wants to go back!  We are planning to go Thursday, July 20th.  The park opens at 11:00.  We’ll meet at the park around 10:45 a.m. Please pack a picnic lunch.  We will provide drinks and fruit for everyone.  If you don’t want to attend and your child needs a ride, please let Lisa Nelson know and we can arrange carpooling

Presbyterian Women Fall Retreat

When: August 18th-20th

Where: Glacier Camp on Flathead Lake

The theme this year is “Your Missional Life” and will be led by Rev. Jason Dorsey and his wife ,Jenny. Jason is pastor of Redeemer,a Presbyterian church in Redmond,WA. The syllabus for the presentation states:

“You can’t know who you are and what you stand for unless you know the story you are in. The Bible’s story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration is the big story you are in. It tells who you are and what you are for, to be a participant in God’s restoration of all things. This restoration includes inviting others into God’s story.  You will apply this to your life through creating a Disciple Making Plan.” 

All women are invited to attend and you can visit with Susan Tate about further details or carpool information. Some are planning to spend overnight but many of us are only attending the Saturday session.    Please join us and meet other women from around the state. The deadline for registration is the first week in August.   Thanks and hope to see you there.


If you are not in our church directory and would like to be, or need to update your info, please email the church office. And don’t forget to let us know if you would like to be added to the Mid-Week Newsletter list.


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Whitefish, MT 59937