Mid-Week Messenger

Aug 10, 2023

Greetings Everyone

This summer our theme in worship is “Spiritual Truths in the Code of the West.” This coming Sunday’s theme is “Ride for the Brand.”

James P. Owens, in his book Cowboy Ethics (page 54)¸quotes from Red Steagall’s poem titled “Ride for the Brand.” The poem “Tells of the Wagonner Rand and a leathery, hard-bitten old cowpoke named Jake who is schooling ‘the new kid’ in the unwritten laws of the range. This passage puts the idea of loyalty to the boss in context:

Son, a man’s brand is his own special mark,

it says, “This is mine. Leave it alone.”

You hire out to a man, you ride for his brand

and protect it like it was your own.

He said, Mister Waggoner come out here in 1903,

this country was sagebrush, mesquite trees and sand.

He carved this ranch out of blood, sweat and guts,

so be proud that you ride for his brand.

Riding for the brand pertains to our commitment and loyalty to the one for whom we work.

On August 3 it was announced that two US Navy sailors had been charged with spying for China. They had been conspiring to send national defense information to a Chinese agent. In talking about the charges, US Attorney Randy Grossman said, “When a soldier or sailor chooses cash over country and hands over national defense information in an ultimate act of betrayal, we have to be ready to act” (BBC News). It seems these two sailors were not “Riding for the Brand.”

As Christians, we must ask ourselves, “Do we really ‘Ride for the Brand?” We know God loves us. We know that Jesus ‘carved out his church through blood, sweat, and guts’ as he died for us and rose for us. We know that our sins are forgiven. We know that we have been gifted with eternal life. We know Holy Spirit resides in us. We know we are children of God’s Kingdom. We know we are incredibly blessed. We know these things!





But do we ride for the brand? Do we succumb to the tugs and pulls of our world that doesn’t want us to be totally committed. “It’s OK to go to church on Sunday, but the rest of the week…” “I know you’re a Christian but is that a Republican Christian or a Democrat Christian or a…?” I know you say you follow Jesus, but do you really have to _________?” Do we truly ride for the brand or do we simply accept the name and do what we want to do regardless? This morning in Bible Study we talked about the Lord’s Prayer. We say it almost every week. The words are so familiar. The opening lines remind us of the brand for which we ride and define how we are supposed to live.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6: 9, 10

We ride for the King of the kingdom. We ride for Jesus, his son our Lord. We ride under the power of Holy Spirit. We ride for the purpose of sharing his love and grace with a world in great need. We ride for his brand. Amen.

Happy Trails to you as you too do the work of the Lord.

Pastor Paul

News & Events



Sunday, August 13th:

11:15 a.m. following worship service

Exploratory Meeting to discuss tutoring School aged kids for the 2023-24 school year

Monday, August 14th:

7:00 p.m. Choir Practice

Tuesday, August 15th:

7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast

Wednesday, August 16th:

10:00 a.m. “Because You Asked…” Bible Study. Have Questions?

Bring them to Wednesday’s Bible Study to discuss with Pastor Paul.

Your questions determine the topic


Check out the Events Calendar for more upcoming events.


“Because You Asked…”

Ever want to have a Bible study on a particular topic?  Want to hear what God’s Word says about a particular issue? Here is your chance. Over this summer, Pastor Paul will be leading a Bible Study, Wednesdays at 10 AM, in the Chapel to address your topics. Why? “Because you asked!”


“Because You Asked…”

Ever want to have a Bible study on a particular topic?  Want to hear what God’s Word says about a particular issue? Here is your chance. Over this summer, Pastor Paul will be leading a Bible Study, Wednesdays at 10 AM, in the Chapel to address your topics. Why? “Because you asked!”


Back To School BBQ

It’s that time again for another church picnic and BBQ before the kids go back to school. The Fellowship Committee has reserved the Pavilion at Smith Field (1600 Hospital Way), directly behind the hospital in Whitefish.

Time: 11:30am, after church service on Sunday, August 20th. We will have plenty to eat and drink as well as a kid verus adult kickball game.

So, wear cool clothes to church and bring a lawn chair to the picnic!


See you There!

Fellowship Committee

Food Bank Cereal Drive

We will be holding a cereal box drive for the North Valley Food bank this summer. Please bring a box of cereal to Sunday worship services or drop your donated cereal off in the church office Tues-Fri, 9-1 p.m.

Thank you for your donations!

Nursery Attendants Needed

We are looking for a handful of volunteers willing to be on call as a Nursery Attendant for Sunday Worship services. Please contact Nichole or Lisa, in the church office, if you would like to be put on the list.

Presbyterian Women

Fall Retreat

When: August 18th-20th

Where: Glacier Camp on Flathead Lake

The theme this year is “Your Missional Life” and will be led by Rev. Jason Dorsey and his wife ,Jenny. Jason is pastor of Redeemer,a Presbyterian church in Redmond,WA. The syllabus for the presentation states:

“You can’t know who you are and what you stand for unless you know the story you are in. The Bible’s story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration is the big story you are in. It tells who you are and what you are for, to be a participant in God’s restoration of all things. This restoration includes inviting others into God’s story.  You will apply this to your life through creating a Disciple Making Plan.” 

All women are invited to attend and you can visit with Susan Tate about further details or carpool information. Some are planning to spend overnight but many of us are only attending the Saturday session.    Please join us and meet other women from around the state. The deadline for registration is the first week in August. Thanks and hope to see you there.

Paint Night Coming in September!

Friday, September 15th at 6:30 p.m.

Mark your calendars for Friday evening, September 15th. Kiki from Kiki Design International will  lead us through our very own masterpiece.

More info coming soon including pricing, sign ups and picture we will be painting.

Contact Nichole in the church office if you would like to sign up in advance.


Scottish Heritage Recognition

Sunday, October 29th

If you would like your Scottish Heritage recognized during worship service please contact Ann Dahlberg or the church office by August 31st.



If you are not in our church directory and would like to be, or need to update your info, please email the church office. And don’t forget to let us know if you would like to be added to the Mid-Week Newsletter list.


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301 Central Ave,
Whitefish, MT 59937