Mid-Week Messenger

Oct 17, 2024

Greetings Everyone


The Bible is a unified story which highlights certain events in the course of redemptive history which tell us what we need to know for our salvation. Peter tells us (2 Peter 1:21), that men were carried along by the Holy Spirit to tell the story. The book of Ruth highlights a redemptive story in a time where there was not much hope in the story of God’s people. I want to remind us all of the dire circumstances in which the story of Ruth unfolded.

In the sermon a couple of weeks ago I introduced the idea of the cycle in the book previous to Ruth, the book of Judges. God’s people are commanded to worship Him by obeying the law. God gave his people the law to remind them that they are to be holy, separate from the cultures around them, which reflect God’s Holiness. Also, the law was to protect them from acting in harmful ways with each other and the other tribes around them. The law also served as a reminder that they would need to depend on God to protect them and grant them mercy. But, much like us now, their hearts would wander to trust other gods in the form of idol worship. This story is repeated over and over to emphasize some truth that is deeply embedded in the human heart. Like the hymn writer wrote our hearts are…“Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love.” (“Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”)

What does that look like? We make good, bad, and neutral things into ultimate things, or idols. We love them more than God, we value them more than the gospel, we worship them more than Jesus. John Calvin once quipped, “The heart is a perpetual idol factory.” This is against God’s law, and our flourishing. How do you know if something is an idol? If you say, “God I will worship you but only if you do this, or don’t take away that, or give me this…”, whatever the case, that is your idol. When we encounter idols in our hearts, the only way to dislodge them is not by sheer determination, or taking them away. We have to replace them with the true and only God. We were made to worship, but to worship God alone. 









The story of Ruth tells us that God’s mercy and grace works for us in spite of our idol worship. God does not give up on His people because of His covenantal loving kindness (Hessed in Hebrew). This Sunday we will see an example of this lovingkindness in the unfolding story of Ruth and Boaz, but we see the ultimate work in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Only in Christ are our hearts, riddled with idol worship, enabled by the Spirit to be revived to worship God. This is our good news, God saves sinners.


Week At A Glance

Sunday, October 20th

9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study

10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service with Pastor Ben Melli

Monday, October 21st 

5:30 p.m. Bell Choir

Tuesday, October 22nd   

7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast

Wednesday, October 23rd

10:00 a.m. Ladies AM Bible Study (LAMBS)

2:45 p.m Youth Choir

7:00 p.m. Choir Practice

Thursday, October 17th

10:00 a.m. Bible Babes Bible Study


Youth Choir starts next Wednesday. Come be part of the fun! Ways you can help include baking cookies, supervising kids as they enter the building and eat their snack, and helping to clean up. Call the church office or text the word “cookies” to 406-400-9338. See the TWO flyers below for more details.


Basement Room for Youth & AA:
Here’s a little update on the co-sharing of the basement space with AA and our Youth Ministry.  The history of co-sharing began over 20 years ago when the basement was completely dedicated to Youth Ministry.  AA was in need of a new location and our congregation welcomed them with open arms to use the basement when the Youth Ministry wasn’t using it.  A match made in heaven!
Now, we are planning to share again!  This time, AA is doing a little clean up from having almost 15 years in the basement alone. We’ll begin to have a more youthful look in the main room while maintaining a sharing of space.
We thank everyone for the prayers for all ministries of this church!
We are so grateful for Jean Petersen and Willo Harris for taking care of our flower arrangements over the past few years.  They have faithfully provided the beauty of arrangements throughout the entire building!
Willo and Jean will provide the beautiful arrangements through December and then officially retire!
We are selling the arrangements of flowers that will no longer be used. Beautiful arrangements, artificial florals and vases are displayed in Fellowship Hall. Come shop Tuesday-Friday 11:30 -1 or Sunday following service. SALES ARE DONATION BASED. With the flower storage room being cleaned out, we will begin providing space to the Young Life staff for an office.  God’s Hand in Ministry.


If you are not in our church directory and would like to be, or need to update your info, please email the church office. And don’t forget to let us know if you would like to be added to the Mid-Week Newsletter list.


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301 Central Ave,
Whitefish, MT 59937