Mid-Week Messenger

Mid-Week Messenger

Greetings Everyone Grace and peace to you all this week: Can you believe that I’ve been here seven weeks already? It always takes time for a congregation and a new pastor to get in synch with one another, to get comfortable with the new rhythm and feel of a new style...
Mid-Week Messenger

Mid-Week Messenger

Greetings Everyone Grace and peace to you all this week: Have you ever found yourself binging a television show or watching a long movie that you never intended to watch in the first place? It begins innocently enough. You are just flipping channels and you stop...
Mid-Week Messenger

Mid-Week Messenger

Greetings Everyone Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Here are three quick things to know for this week: First of all, we are changing the way that we distribute this newsletter. You will still be able to find the Midweek Messenger on the...
Mid-Week Messenger

Mid-Week Messenger

Greetings Everyone Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I really enjoyed preaching on food last Sunday. It really is my conviction that worship and meals go together – not just the sacramental meal of Communion, but the meals of everyday...